JFK Assassination
JFK Assassination

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John B. Wells was joined by former Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura (book link), who discussed his research into the JFK Assassination. Open Lines followed.

JFK, UFOs & 9-11
JFK, UFOs & 9-11

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Author and investigator Jim Marrs returned for a discussion surrounding the topics of JFK, UFOs and 9-11.

JFK, Kubrick, & UFOs
JFK, Kubrick, & UFOs

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A civilian intelligence analyst and psychotherapist in New York City, Robert Morningstar, has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 40 years. He discussed such topics as the JFK assassination, Stanley Kubrick's films, UFOs, and anomalies on the...

LBJ Behind JFK Killing
LBJ Behind JFK Killing

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Combining decades of insider political knowledge with cutting edge JFK assassination research, political operative Roger Stone joined John B. Wells to lay out the case that Lyndon B. Johnson manipulated the situation in Dallas on November 22, 1963,...

New JFK Bombshell
New JFK Bombshell

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A former Secret Service agent, Paul Landis, who was present at President John F. Kennedy's assassination, recently came forward with a revelation that challenges the 'magic bullet' theory and raises questions about the possibility of a second...