Sonia Brosz

Sonia Brosz


Sonia Brosz is a Maronite Catholic, Charismatic, a visionary and spiritual warrior called forty-four years ago to service in the field of exorcism and deliverance. She is an expert in metaphysics, witchcraft, magic and sorcery of all cultures and religions of the world. Sonia has been an active consultant and advisor to exorcists of the Catholic Church, as well as deliverance pastors and ministers of all faiths for over thirty years.



Past Shows:

  • Hacking of America/ Exorcisms & Sorcery

    In the first half, author and former naval intelligence counter-terrorism officer specializing in the Middle East, Malcolm Nance, discussed the April 2016 hacking of the Democratic National Committee. In the latter half, Sonia Brosz a Maronite Catholic, Charismatic,...More »