Peter Kirby

Peter Kirby


Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, writer, and activist. He has been researching and writing about chemtrails and geoengineering since 2009. He is a staff writer at Among many others, Peter has appeared as a guest on The Corbett Report with James Corbett, Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells, Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy, The SGT Report with Sean, and Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Peter has been published on websites such as:,,,, and His work has been translated into: Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, French, Italian, and more.



Past Shows:

  • Hemp Farming / Chemtrails

    Pioneer voice in cannabis/hemp and regenerative farming, Doug Fine discussed the multifaceted benefits of hemp. Followed by Cheryll Jones' interview with author & researcher Peter Kirby on chemtrails.More »
  • The Chemtrails Agenda / UFO Disclosure & Hollywood

    Peter A. Kirby presented evidence for chemtrails and who might profit from manipulation of the weather. Followed by Bryce Zabel on his Betty & Barney Hill TV project, and UFO disclosure.More »
  • Chemtrails/ ET Abduction

    In the first half, independent researcher Peter A. Kirby spoke about chemtrails, a covert program of aerosol geoengineering. For 25 years Robert Perala has been researching metaphysics, the origin of the soul, Earth-based anomalies, extraterrestrial science, and NDEs. In...More »

Last Night

Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
Researcher Steve Quayle delved into the intersection of ancient symbols, AI, and biblical prophecy. Followed by spiritual teacher Sabrina Scott on her use of witchcraft and Tarot cards.


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