Daphna Nachminovitch

Daphna Nachminovitch


Daphna Nachminovitch has been Director of Domestic Animal and Wildlife Rescue for PETA since 1997. She has worked on countless cases of cruelty to animals and her staff members field hundreds of calls every week. Daphna is very hands on and often spends entire days in the field, responding to calls about animals in need. In the wake of September 11th, she personally led a rescue team that provided aid to animals left stranded in apartments near Ground Zero.


Past Shows:

  • Ghostly Phenomena

    Journalist and ghosthunter Jeff Belanger discussed his work compiling ghost stories and the challenge of viewing the phenomenon in both a scientific and spiritual context.More »

Last Night

Pop Music History / Mental Beliefs
Pop Music History / Mental Beliefs
Rich Berra (email) will be joined by music journalist Harvey Kubernik, who'll discuss a variety of rock and pop music subjects. Followed by master hypnotist Jeff Bliss on the subject of beliefs, and how one belief can change everything. According to Jeff, what you think is your...


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