John Titor Update
John Titor Update

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During the first two hours of Friday's program, Oliver Williams, website editor for, provided background info and an update on the predictions of alleged time traveler, John Titor, as well as took calls from listeners.All that is known...

John Titor Update
John Titor Update

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During Friday night's show, Oliver Williams provided an update on alleged time traveler John Titor. According to Williams, John Titor traveled to our present in a machine built by GE in 2034.

John Titor & Time Travel
John Titor & Time Travel

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Historian for alleged time traveler John Titor, Oliver Williams reviewed the facts of the remarkable case, and related some of Titor's past predictions to recent news stories. Titor's story has been pieced together from posts he made on Internet...

John Titor, Time Traveler?
John Titor, Time Traveler?

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During the first two hours of Friday's show, Oliver Williams discussed the fascinating case of alleged time traveler John Titor. Open Lines followed.

Rebroadcast: Oliver Williams
Rebroadcast: Oliver Williams

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This rebroadcast from 10/8/04 featured Oliver Williams discussing alleged time traveler John Titor, as well as Open Lines.