John Lennon Mysteries

Hosted byGeorge Noory

John Lennon Mysteries


  • Lennon & the #9
  • The Haunted Dakota
  • Rosemary's Baby Curse
  • About the show

    Author R. Gary Patterson returned for a discussion on the life and death of John Lennon and mysteries concerning the Dakota where he lived. He also touched on rock 'n' roll myths, legends and conspiracies.

    Lennon had a fascination with numerology, and with the #9 in particular. He referenced it in several of his songs, and was said to keep the number over his bed. Also very interested in divination, he was reportedly haunted by premonitions of his own death, said Patterson, who pointed out that Lennon may be saying the words "shoot me" at the beginning of the song Come Together.

    The Dakota apartment building has had a series of ghost sightings and strange happenings. A little girl, appearing in 19th century clothes, said "today is my birthday," to a workman and the next day a co-worker was killed, Patterson recounted. He also noted bad luck that befell some of the people involved in the film Rosemary's Baby which was partially filmed at the Dakota, such as producer William Castle who received death threats. Interestingly, a scene in the movie that depicts where a woman jumped from a balcony, is the same part of the sidewalk where John Lennon was shot, Patterson noted.

    Intuitive Eating

    First half-hour guest Dr. Steven Hawks explained his weight loss method called Intuitive Eating. It involves overstocking food items you might normally binge on, such as cookies and chips. The conditions are to only eat these foods when you are actually hungry for them.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Mysterious Encounters / Royal Family & UFOs
    Mysterious Encounters / Royal Family & UFOs
    Researcher Greg Lawson discussed his book, Messages from Mothman, which explores the realm of premonitions and other mysterious encounters. Followed by filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee who reported on the British Royal family's interest in UFOs and the paranormal.


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