R. Gary Patterson

R. Gary Patterson


R. Gary Patterson is a native Tennessean with a passion for rock and roll. As a published author, Patterson's works portray many fascinating events that helped shape musical history from Robert Johnson through current groups making a place for themselves among rock and roll's standing legends. Gary is the author of "The Walrus Was Paul" and "Hellhounds on Their Trail". Today he is developing other ideas for several new television series dealing with fascinating events in the ongoing history of rock and roll. Gary also gives lectures on college campuses concerning myths and little-known legends of popular music.



Past Shows:

  • Dearly Departed Special IV

    George Noory presented excerpts from classic shows to celebrate the lives of Coast guests who are no longer with us.More »
  • Financial Forecast/ Rock Legends

    In the first half, entrepreneur and monetary expert Craig R. Smith talked about the state of the US economy, and what he thinks will happen next year under the new President to both the dollar and tangible assets. In the latter half, legendary drummer Kenny Aronoff, who has...More »
  • Rock 'n' Roll Mysteries & Legends

    Joining Richard Syrett in the middle two hours of the show, native Tennessean author with a passion for rock and roll, R. Gary Patterson, discussed a fascinating compendium of urban legends surrounding some of the worlds most beloved and mysterious rock icons. In the first...More »
  • Secret Door XVII

    George Noory had fun trying to guess who was behind the Secret Door, in hours 2, 3, & 4. First through the door was mentalist and memory expert Jim Karol, followed by medium and paranormal investigator Chip Coffey, and rock 'n' roll author R. Gary Patterson. First hour...More »
  • Fukushima & Preparedness/ Rock Star Deaths

    Author and mechanical engineer, Matthew Stein, an expert in preparedness, discussed the ongoing debacle of Fukushima - including background radiation rising, food chain contamination, and the targeting of whistleblowers. In the second half, on the evening of Prince's...More »
  • Conspiracies/ Elvis Mysteries

    In the first half, author and conspiracy researcher Donald Jeffries discussed such topics as the JFK assassination, the death Of JFK Jr., 9-11, and Bohemian Grove. In the latter half, rock historian R. Gary Patterson and researcher Xaviant Haze addressed some of the...More »
  • NDE & Angelic Intervention

    Dave Schrader welcomed Bruce Van Natta, who after an accident, was on the verge of death when he had an "out of body" experience. During this near-death experience, he saw two angels that he believes were sent to save his life. Appearing during the first half-hour, author...More »
  • Woodstock, Hendrix & Lennon

    Guest host Richard Syrett welcomed Rock 'n' Roll author R. Gary Patterson for a discussion about the Woodstock Festival and death of legendary guitarist Jimi Hendrix. He was joined in the second half of the program by Bill Harry, Beatle historian and founder of the music...More »
  • Reptilians & Other Mysteries

    UFO researcher known as the "Crypto Hunter," John Rhodes, discussed reptilian humanoids along with such topics as enhanced perception, the Mayan calendar, and Earth changes. First hour guest, Walter Parazaider, founding member and saxophone player for the rock group...More »
  • Spiritual States & the Brain

    World-renowned neurologist Dr. Kevin Nelson discussed his thirty years of cutting-edge research in the field of near-death experience (NDE), and how spirituality is experienced in the brain. First hour guest, rock historian R. Gary Patterson talked about some of the changes...More »
  • Ancient Cycles

    Appearing during the second hour, theoretical archaeo-astronomer Walter Cruttenden addressed how our solar system may be tied to another star which has influenced the rise and fall of civilizations. Author/lecturer Joseph Selbie joined the show in the latter half, for a...More »
  • Truth About Fluoride

    Paul Connett, Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, joined Ian to discuss the truth about fluoride and how this toxic chemical has no real health benefits whatsoever. In the first hour, journalist Aaron Sagers gave an update from Comic-Con, and author R. Gary...More »
  • Conspiracies & Security

    Appearing during the middle two hours, best selling author of nine political thrillers, Brad Thor discussed government cover-ups and conspiracies, as well as security and terrorism issues. With the advent of The Beatles finally releasing their music on iTunes, first hour...More »
  • Marian Apparitions

    Paranormal researcher specializing in Catholic Mysticism, Kevin Cook discussed various sightings and appearances of the Virgin Mary. First hour guest, historian R. Gary Patterson talked about rock star deaths, superstitions, and occult connections.More »
  • The Lennon Prophecy

    Rock historian R. Gary Patterson joined author Joseph Niezgoda to discuss hidden symbols in the Beatles and John Lennon's recordings and album artwork. Niezgoda presented his thesis that Lennon had made a "pact" with the devil and sold his soul in order to achieve his fame and...More »
  • Economy Collapse

    Editor and publisher of International Forecaster, Bob Chapman, discussed the economic crisis, how brokerage firms such as Goldman Sachs played a part in fueling the collapse, and where he sees the economy heading into the future. During the first hour, author R. Gary Patterson...More »
  • Mysterious Lights & Ark of the Covenant

    In the latter half of the show, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed mysterious lights & unidentified aerial objects, bat die-offs in North America, and recent crop circles. In the first hour, author R. Gary Patterson discussed the surprising death of...More »
  • Secret Door VIII

    Three surprise guests made their way through the "Secret Door" to talk with George Noory: R. Gary Patterson who touched on a number of mysteries in the rock 'n' roll world, practicing witch Fiona Horne, and Dr. Roger Leir, who shared an update on his work with alien...More »
  • The Day the Music Died

    The first half of the program featured author R. Gary Patterson, along with three special guests, who talked about American rock and roll legends Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, and the tragic 1959 accident that claimed their lives. During Open...More »
  • Elvis: In Life & Death

    On what would've been Elvis Presley's 74th birthday, author R. Gary Patterson was joined by two Elvis experts, Patrick Lacy (2nd hour) and Cory Cooper (3rd hour) for a conversation about everything Elvis. First hour guest, financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts offered...More »
  • High Strangeness, Thunderbirds, & Tunguska

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared cases of high strangeness. In her first report, she detailed the Oct. 4, 2008 encounter of two hunters in Elk County, Pennsylvania who saw mysterious lights and a lime green, glowing humanoid floating across a field behind one of...More »
  • Fatima Secrets

    Catholic priest, Fr. Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Center discussed his research into the Third Secret of Fatima. He declared the alleged visitation by the Virgin Mary in 1917, and her message imparted to three young children, to be "the definitive revelation of our time." Based...More »
  • The Doors & Jim Morrison

    Starting in the first hour, author R. Gary Patterson was joined by guitarist Robby Krieger and keyboardist Ray Manzarek, both from the legendary Doors.More »
  • John Lennon & Rock and Roll Stories

    Bill Harry, the founder of Mersey Beat magazine and one of John Lennon's best friends, joined author R. Gary Patterson to discuss Lennon, reports that he is composing songs in the afterlife and channeling them through psychics, as well as mystical occurrences associated with The...More »
  • Caller Confessions

    During Open Lines George offered a special 'confessions' line for those who wanted to anonymously confess to something.More »
  • Bigfoot Vocalizations

    In the second hour, Todd Standing discussed his documentation of Bigfoot and efforts to make these creatures a protected species in Canada.More »
  • Big Bopper, Buddy Holly & Peggy Sue

    In the first half-hour, George spoke with author R. Gary Patterson and Jay Richardson, son of the Big Bopper.More »
  • 'Fright Night' Calls

    George hosted an evening of 'Fright Night' Open Lines.More »
  • 'Otherkin' Calls & More

    Filling in for George, Ian Punnett hosted a night of Open Lines with a special topic line for 'Otherkins' -- people who believe they have non-human souls.More »
  • Creepy Calls

    During Open Lines, George offered a special hotline for callers who wanted to share their disturbing encounters with 'creepy people.'More »
  • Replay: Travis Walton

    In this rebroadcast from 5/31/05, Travis Walton recounts his personal experiences of one of the most documented UFO sightings and abduction cases.First hour guest R. Gary Patterson talked about the claim that Jim Morrison is still alive.More »
  • Oscar, UFO Phil & More

    Frequent caller and self-proclaimed demon, Oscar returned to the show to inform George that Elvis Presley is not dead. According to the Son of Satan, Elvis is currently in the Midwestern United States under witness protection. Oscar said Elvis will be his next possession victim....More »
  • John Lennon Mysteries

    Author R. Gary Patterson returned for a discussion on the life and death of John Lennon and mysteries concerning the Dakota where he lived. He also touched on rock 'n' roll myths, legends and conspiracies.More »
  • UFOs in the 50s

    Author Colin Bennett appeared during the middle two hours, talking about intrigue and disinformation surrounding UFO sightings from the 1950s. Ufology especially interests him because it incorporates a wide range of topics-- science, metaphysics, the military-industrial complex,...More »
  • The Travis Walton Case

    Travis Walton recounted his experiences that took place in 1975, which became one of the best documented cases of a UFO sighting and alien abduction. With a group of loggers in the mountains of northeastern Arizona, they happened upon a glowing disc-shaped object. The craft...More »
  • Numbers & You

    Welcoming in 2005, the 'Numbers Lady,' Glynis McCants, returned to the show. A professional numerologist, she uses a system based on the "vibrations" or energy associated with the numbers 1-9, to analyze people, places and events. 2005 is a "7" (2+0+0+5 = 7) and this number is...More »
  • Rebroadcast: R. Gary Patterson

    In a rebroadcast from 7/15/04, author R. Gary Patterson discussed rock 'n' roll curses and legends.More »
  • Rock 'n' Roll Curses & Legends

    Author R. Gary Patterson shared coincidences, curses and urban legends surrounding the deaths or ill fates of various rock musicians. He listed a number of deaths that were connected to what he called the "Buddy Holly Curse." For instance, Eddie Cochran had a premonition of his...More »
  • Rebroadcast: "Paul McCartney-- Dead or Alive?"

    Rebroadcast of George Noory with author R. Gary Patterson from August 18, 2003, discussing the "Is Paul Dead?" mystery.More »
  • Paul McCartney: Dead or Alive?

    R. Gary Patterson discussed what he considers to be an "urban legend," the oft repeated story that Paul McCartney died back in 1966 in a car accident.More »

Last Night

Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Teacher Dr. Lynn Lafferty discussed naturopathic medicine, healthcare, and supplements. Followed by astrologer Constance Stellas with insights about astrology, including its use as a guidance tool.


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