Lifting the Cosmic Veil

Hosted byRob Simone

Lifting the Cosmic Veil

About the show

Filling in for George, Rob Simone (email) welcomed researcher Thomas P. Fusco, who shared his theory on how supernatural and paranormal phenomena can can be explained by the opening of 'bubbles' or portals in space-time. Fusco began by recounting an early experience that had left a profound impression on him. While visiting his high school girlfriend's house, he recalled staring at a painting and feeling a severe pain in his left forearm. Fusco said he asked if the artist's arm had ever been injured and was told the artist, his girlfriend's older brother, had been involved in a chainsaw accident that injured his left arm. Such experiences forced Fusco to wonder, "What kind of a universe would allow these types of things to happen?"

Fusco discovered that supernatural and paranormal events share a common thread: they are all observations of a physical effect with no direct connected local physical cause. There is a 'super-geometric' overlay on top of physical reality, something extra-dimensional behind these events, he explained. According to Fusco's theory, bizarre phenomena, such as disembodied voices and apparitions, happen when a bubble of space-time expanding from an outside source pushes into our realm. A resulting gravitational anomaly puts atoms under mechanical stress, causing electromagnetic radiation as well as electrons to shift creating photons, which paranormal investigators recognize as luminous orbs, he said. Fusco also discussed how his model could apply to biblical miracles, and suggested that there could be a force behind it all.

The remainder of the show featured Open Lines.

Note: The previously scheduled 'Dark Shadows' guests will appear at another time.


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