Conscious Evolution / Grieving and Loss

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Conscious Evolution / Grieving and Loss

About the show

In the first half, visionary author Barbara Marx Hubbard discussed the coming planetary renaissance that she's heralded for decades-- a conscious evolution in which we become "co-creators" of our destiny. This type of evolution is done by choice, not by chance, she explained. Humanity is now at a critical tipping point between extinction and evolution, but being in this environmental crisis mode can serve as a motivator for change and transformation, she said. Advocating for the concept of "social synergy," she suggested that a sharing of common goals and resources through converging positive innovations is a more viable strategy than competition.

The path toward making the evolutionary leap involves people shifting from ego to spiritual awareness, resonating with the heart, and finding one's life purpose, vocational or otherwise, she detailed. Hubbard has partnered with Stephen Dinan of the Shift Network (who appeared briefly in the first hour) to co-produce a Planetary Birthday on December 22nd, 2012, inviting all to awaken to a new consciousness of peace, sustainability, and creativity. For more, view a trailer for Hubbard's documentary, Visions.


In the latter half, Dr. Ken Druck, a pioneer in personal transformation, discussed the secrets of how we survive life's worst losses and uncover their dark gifts-- hidden opportunities for spiritual deepening, renewal, and discovery. Druck, himself, suffered a great personal tragedy when his 21-year old daughter was killed in an accident in India. To honor his daughter's life, he founded the Jenna Druck Center to help other families deal with grief. We don't live in a "grief literate" culture-- often people don't understand what someone may be going through who has suffered a loss, and grievers can have difficulties processing their feelings or seeking help, he explained.

The idea of "closure" is really a myth when it comes to a major loss, he said, -- feelings can cycle back or be triggered by random incidents. Druck also spoke about the notion of a "living loss" such as an addiction, illness, accident, or divorce that typically involve some grieving and coping. Strategies such as denial, avoidance, and isolation don't really work when it comes to grief-- sometimes we just need to bear the pain of the moment knowing that we'll get through it eventually, and can then create a Plan B that can be rewarding and fulfilling, he outlined.

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