Quantum Wonders / Soul Journeys

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Quantum Wonders / Soul Journeys

About the show

In the first half, Professor of Astrophysics Charles Liu, Ph.D., discussed the wonders and implications of quantum physics and the universe, as well as delved into such topics as wormholes, teleportation, entanglement, and dark matter. Quantum physics is a branch of science that describes matter and energy on a tiny scale. Sometimes, this scale is smaller than anything humans can see with unaided eyes, like a millionth of an inch or even smaller. Aspects of quantum physics include wave particle duality, energy quantization, and the uncertainty principle, he explained, adding that "there is an inherent uncertainty in the universe, and that actually is something that we can embrace and learn from."

Professor Liu shared awe-inspiring theories about the universe, including the concept of a massively fast expansion at its start, where space was blown upward and outward like a balloon. He described how universal bubbles can pop up, and we might just be existing in one of a multitude of them. Our universe, he marveled, could be a four-dimensional projection or consequence of the contact between two five-dimensional membranes. He also touched on the potential of artificial intelligence, cautioning that it can be both beneficial and dangerous, and should be considered a tool that requires careful use. For more, check out his YouTube channel.


Professional spiritual medium Carole J. Obley, who has communicated with souls in the spirit world through thousands of client sessions, shared her insights in the latter half. She discussed the soul's journey before, during, and after death, as well as her role and process as a medium. Obley emphasized the value of aligning with the higher consciousness of the soul for a good life, which can be achieved by focusing on one's intuition. She stressed that the voice of intuition is aligned with the soul's purpose and journey, and the closer one aligns oneself with that voice, the fewer problems are likely to arise in life.

Through her work, Obley has discovered that there are various "soul pods," groups that share a similar consciousness and express themselves in like ways. One such category she called the "caretakers" – those who prefer to look after others. She also talked about one's life purpose, and the importance of being of service-- leaving the planet a better place than when you came in, when you were born. One overlooked aspect of mediumship is "to instill the knowledge that the recipient of that reading is also an eternal soul...[and] that you're not going to die, that there is this continuation and a liberation from the physical form at the time of death." Obley also highlighted the value of stillness and meditation, and gave readings to callers in the last hour.

News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Mish Shedlock

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