Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors

About the show

In the first half, journalist Jeremy Kahn who covers emerging technologies, discussed the potential risks and benefits of AI. He highlighted the transformative impact of AI on business and industry, and how companies that effectively use AI may gain a significant competitive advantage. In the next ten years, he foresees that the technology will be everywhere, certainly in every field that involves knowledge-related work. Knowledge workers like doctors, lawyers, and accountants will be using a kind of AI "co-pilot" to assist them with tasks, and he also envisions in our private lives, most people will have personal AI assistants that can do things for us across the Internet, such as booking a hotel room or flight.

Kahn thinks AI will be a boon to science and methods to improve human health, such as faster and better drug discovery processes and personalized medicine. Further, doctors may use it to help monitor our health and spot problems in advance. The idea that AI could be an existential threat to humanity itself is misplaced Kahn believes. Instead, he is concerned that the dangers of the technology may relate more to the accelerating production of disinformation and misinformation, biases in our decision-making, and humans possibly losing some of their cognitive skills. He also finds it unlikely that AI will lead to mass unemployment, at least in the near term.


In the latter half, C2C's investigative reporter Cheryll Jones presented her interview with ghost-hunting guide Chris Bores. Called the world's first "ghost behaviorist," he has developed a ghost classification system based on Eastern philosophies like the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which also informs his spiritual communication techniques that include mantras, prayers, and singing bowls. He learned from his communications with spirits that there is likely a form of control or restrictions in the afterlife, as well as a tiered system with different levels of beings.

Bores told Cheryll about his methods for manifesting ghosts on command and how, in one instance, he caught an apparitional green hand on video (view image) while talking to a female spirit about coming forward. He believes the green hue carries a specific meaning that fits in with his classification system. Bores detailed seven categories based on an individual's mindset after death, including hungry ghosts, confused spirits, and helpers. There are also different levels of hauntings, he said, and often spirits first use dreams, nightmares, and especially sleep paralysis to open up contact.

During the last half-hour, George featured an excerpt from his 5/26/21 interview with historian Richard Dolan on UFOs and disclosure.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Kevin Randle

Bumper Music

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