Space Anomalies & Govt. Secrecy

Hosted byArt Bell

Space Anomalies & Govt. Secrecy

About the show

Richard C. Hoagland has led a scientific team in an independent analysis of possible intelligently designed artifacts on Mars. Joining Art for the entire program, he first discussed a recent "DEFCON" situation and news blackout at the NORAD facility inside Cheyenne Mountain. Hoagland decried the lack of transparency regarding the government, as well as the complicit nature of the American press in matters of known and unknown technology in space.

He also reported on apparent operations occurring at Old Navy clothing stores, including a "set of communications trucks" that appeared to be installing "about a mile" of fiber optic cable vertically downward. He speculated that there was a "trans-governmental, trans-agency, and trans-national" effort to keep this information and other extraordinary history from the public. He further suspected that the reporting on the recent Heaven's Gate mass suicide was done in part to discourage any research or speculation about ET life.

Hoagland also detailed Space Shuttle videos of anomalous objects and how they could not have been ice crystals as NASA and skeptics claimed. He declared that the science of physics was changing, and that the revelations from this new science was too upsetting to the world order for it to be allowed to be revealed. He further theorized that the Hale-Bopp comet was a remnant of a catastrophic planetary collision or explosion in the recent history of the solar system, which may have been artificial. In the last half-hour, Hoagland took calls.

Last Night

Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
Author Ken Druck spoke candidly about his journey of resilience and healing. Followed by UFO investigator Ruben Uriarte on UFO sightings and crashes, and alien bodies.


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