Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts


Catherine Austin Fitts is the Founder and President of Solari. She served as Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street investment bank, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. She also served as Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD in the first Bush Administration and was the President and Founder of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.

Catherine has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Wharton School, and studied Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She publishes a column, Mapping the Real Deal, in Scoop Media in New Zealand.



Past Shows:

  • Financial Upheaval / Near-Death Insights

    Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts discussed the current state of the financial world, and how we are in a period of significant upheaval. Followed by near-death experiencer Dannion Brinkley with his profound insights.More »
  • Economic Shifts / Ancient Egypt & Mysticism

    Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts shared commentary on the economy. Followed by author Jason Quitt on correlations with mysticism and ancient civilizations.More »
  • 2021 Financial Forecast / Alien Encounters

    Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts outlined what she sees on the horizon for the US. Followed by author Tim Swartz on UFO encounters and time slips.More »
  • Coronavirus & Re-engineering the Economy / Life Off-the-Grid

    Catherine Austin Fitts discussed how the coming COVID vaccine may be part of sinister plan to re-engineer the economy. Followed by Gary Collins on the simple joys of living off grid.More »
  • Hidden US Money / Occult Traditions

    Catherine Austin Fitts spoke on trillions of dollars hidden in the US budget.Jason Louv discussed how magick can improve your life.More »
  • Missing Money / Shroud of Turin

    Catherine Austin Fitts detailed how the US government is hiding trillions. Followed by Barrie Schwortz on the mysteries of the Shroud of Turin.More »
  • Mid-Term Elections & the Economy / Sensing the Future

    Catherine Austin Fitts analyzed the results of the US mid-term elections. Followed by Julia Mossbridge on the power of precognition.More »
  • Economic Revelations/ Concepts of God

    Catherine Austin Fitts reported on trillions missing from the federal government. Followed by Michael Gellert on the history of God concepts.More »
  • Finance Tips/ Tribute to John Major Jenkins

    Catherine Austin Fitts spoke about the US economy and personal finances. Followed by Jonathan Zap on dreams, and the life of John Major Jenkins.More »
  • Financial Outlook/ Palmistry & Trends

    In the first half, financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts joined George in the studio to discuss the outlook for the US and world economies, and what the economy will look like under the next American president. In the latter half, founder and director of the Palmistry...More »
  • Managing Your Money/ Remote Viewing Discoveries

    Financial adviser Catherine Austin Fitts discussed cash management, where to stash your money, how to find a good bank, and other ways to keep your funds safe. Catherine also covered the latest on online currencies, Bitcoin, and the future of money in the U.S. In the second...More »
  • State of Economy/ Open Lines

    In the first half of the show, author and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts discussed the current state of the economy in terms of the unstable stock market, plunging oil prices, debt, as well as the how the political landscape in this election year relates to...More »
  • Economic Update/ Predictions

    In the first half, author and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts provided an update on the current state of the economy in terms of the surging stock market, debt, and commodities. In the latter half, author, seer, and astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi returned to...More »
  • Navigating the Economy/ Edgar Cayce

    In the first half, author and investment advisor, Catherine Austin Fitts, shared her unique perspective on how to navigate the opportunities and risks in the global financial system and political economy. In the latter half, well-known voice of occult and esoteric ideas,...More »
  • Navigating the Economy / Demonic Infestations

    In the first half, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts joined George Noory in-studio to discuss the current state of the U.S. economy and what individuals can do to navigate these turbulent financial times. In the latter half, investigator Keith Johnson, who is...More »
  • George's Birthday Bash

    In honor of George Noory's birthday, Coast to Coast partied in grand style with special guests, each half hour, joining the program to help celebrate another complete orbit around the sun for George. In the first hour, intuitive researcher and filmmaker David Wilcock...More »
  • Economy Roundtable

    This special panel discussion on the economy and related topics featured investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts, trends analyst Gerald Celente, and consultant George Ure. Currently, the financial system is still being pumped with cheap money, such as $45 billion a month in...More »
  • Positive Thinking

    Well-known voice of occult and esoteric ideas, Mitch Horowitz, discussed his research into the history and prevalence of the positive thinking movement in America. First hour guest, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts talked about the confirmation of Janet Yellin as...More »
  • Financial Trends / Spirits & Afterlife

    In the first half, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts appeared in studio, for a discussion about the top financial trends impacting Americans. She noted that after decades, interest rates are beginning to trickle upward, which could affect mortgages, credit cards, and the...More »
  • OBEs & Astral Projection

    In the latter half, an expert in out-of-body exploration and the paranormal, Bob Peterson, discussed a number of topics including OBEs, astral travel, lucid dreams, and sleep paralysis. First hour guest, Prof. Brian Peskin reported that a number of studies show fish oil is...More »
  • Fiscal Cliff

    Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts offered analysis and commentary regarding the current 'fiscal cliff' that the United States is facing. If Congress doesn't act, the Bush era tax cuts, and the payroll tax decrease will end on January 1st, possibly sending the US economy...More »
  • Space Exploration & Innovation

    Astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson, discussed how we can get back on track to become a space-faring society once again, and what we stand to lose if NASA doesn't regain its ground as a force for innovation. First hour guest,...More »
  • Forbidden Archaeology & Science

    Dissident researcher Michael Cremo provided an update on his continuing work investigating forbidden archaeology and human origins. In the first hour, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts responded to the proposed mortgage deal as well as other happenings with the...More »
  • Economy / Voltage Medicine / Power Outage

    The first half of the show dealt with the economy and Pres. Obama's just announced jobs plan. In the first hour, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts noted it was unclear where the money would come from to pay for the jobs program. 2nd Hour guest, chief investment officer...More »
  • The Economy, Pleiadians, & Open Lines

    During the first hour, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts commented on the latest happenings with the U.S. economy. Second hour guests, Cullen Baird Smith and Rebecca Orleane, shared what they've learned about the Pleiadians. Open Lines followed. In the final half hour,...More »
  • Strange Creatures

    Cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard discussed his research into various strange creatures including Mothman, Thunderbirds, chupacabras, lake monsters, the Jersey Devil, cryptid cats, and Bigfoot. First hour guest, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts talked about the debt...More »
  • Black Holes, Drones, & Energy

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed matter-eating black holes & growing galaxies, sightings of dragonfly-shaped drones and ET contacts in Alabama, and cold fusion as an energy solution for the future. Making a studio appearance in the first hour, financial...More »
  • Climate Change & Extreme Weather

    In the latter half of the show, author Whitley Strieber spoke about climate change and extreme weather. We're seeing a "climactic oscillation, which is a shifting back and forth of extreme heat to extreme cold," he said. In the first hour, 'CyberWar' expert Charles R. Smith...More »
  • Economy & Stock Trading

    In the first half of the show, economist Catherine Austin Fitts joined George in the LA studio to discuss our critical juncture in the economy. Third hour guest, stock trader Chris Kacher shared some of his trading techniques which he based on William O'Neil's methodology of...More »
  • Voltage and Health

    Dr. Jerry Tennant talked about how he developed a method of using voltage to diagnose and treat a variety of health problems. Dr. Mark Starr joined the discussion. First hour guest, financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts shared her critical reaction to the new financial...More »
  • Economy & Egypt

    In the first half of the show, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts talked about the economy, jobs, and sustainable living. In the latter half, investigative mythologist William Henry discussed symbolic aspects of Egypt, Easter, and 2012.More »
  • Remote Viewing & ESP

    Writer and physicist Russell Targ discussed his role in creating the Remote Viewing program at the Stanford Research Institute during the Cold War, as well his work with psychics and ESP research. First hour guest, financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts talked about the...More »
  • Finance & Investment Analysis

    Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts spoke about the financial outlook. During the first half-hour,Robert Piccioni, Ph.D. argued against the notion that the development of life happened by chance.More »
  • Economic Forecast 2010

    Ian Punnett welcomed experts in finance and the economy, including Gerald Celente, Joseph Meyer, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Robert Chapman, to discuss the outlook in 2010 for markets, commodities, and the U.S. Dollar.More »
  • Facing the Future

    Appearing during the middle two hours of the show, scientist, radio host, and social critic, Dr. Michael Bennett aka Dr. Future, talked about the coming problems humanity faces, as well as his inventions, and Biblical interpretations. By 2020, we could be dealing with serious...More »
  • Secret Door IX

    Three surprise guests made their way through the "Secret Door" to speak with George Noory. First up was ghostbuster Mary-Ann Winkowski who talked about how she guides the deceased out of the earthly plane. Investigative mythologist William Henry discussed the transformative and...More »
  • UFO Documents

    UFO researchers Ryan & Bob Wood discussed specific details they uncovered in leaked government documents about alien craft and ETs. They have examined a Special Operations Manual (SOM) from 1954, and found it to be authentic based on such factors as the terminology and type...More »
  • Messages from the Light

    Mellen-Thomas Benedict, one of the most studied near-death experiencers in the world, told of knowledge he's accrued from being on the other side. Since his 1982 near-death experience in which he was without vital signs for 90 minutes, and left his body, he's been able to access...More »
  • Elvis: In Life & Death

    On what would've been Elvis Presley's 74th birthday, author R. Gary Patterson was joined by two Elvis experts, Patrick Lacy (2nd hour) and Cory Cooper (3rd hour) for a conversation about everything Elvis. First hour guest, financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts offered...More »
  • Economy & Financial Fraud

    Art Bell was joined by financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts for a discussion on fraud and the economy. Financial fraud is tied into the black budget-- "the local narcotics trade is financing Tony Soprano, who's financing James Bond," she quipped. Offering her analysis of the...More »
  • Flashpoints & Giants

    Researcher Steve Quayle discussed the world's escalating flash points and his new work on giants. Regarding the multiple areas of growing tension in today's society, Quayle said, "I think a lot of the people who have been living in denial now have to...More »
  • Economic Meltdown & Solutions

    Appearing for the first three hours, financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts discussed the economic crisis and possible solutions. $4 trillion has been pulled out of the economy, she said, and the big mystery is where did it go? At the core, we've experienced a financial coup...More »
  • Election Night Special

    In a special 5-hour show (starting one hour earlier)George Noory welcomed a variety of analysts, who shared their reactions to the election, as well as economic issues. During the first two hours, columnist John Curtis co-hosted the show. He and George spoke with several...More »
  • Bailout & Financial Turmoil

    Investment adviser Catherine Austin Fitts was joined by financial commentators Bill Murphy (2nd hour) and Andy Gause (3rd hour) to discuss the current state of the economy, bailouts, and how fraud and manipulation are at the root of our financial turmoil. We've been draining...More »
  • Mysteries of the Giza Plateau

    Engineer & Egyptologist Robert Bauval discussed his research into the alignment of the Giza pyramids, and his theories about the Sphinx. Studying aerial photos of the Giza Plateau he saw that the three pyramids were lined up on a diagonal, with the smallest one offset to the...More »
  • Time, Time Travel, & Voodoo

    Author, storyteller, & ordained Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe shared mysteries of time and time travel, and also discussed the practices of Voodoo and Santeria. Time is not completely understood, but gravity may be the link that unlocks its secrets, he said. With upcoming...More »
  • Meltdown: The Economy & Oil

    In a special program looking at issues surrounding oil & the economy,trends analyst Gerald Celente appeared for the full show. He was joined by investment advisorCatherine Austin Fitts in the third hour, and oil expertMatt Savinar in the last hour. The dollar has lost 41% of its...More »
  • The Space Race

    Historian Michael D'Antonio discussed his new book A Ball, a Dog and a Monkey, which chronicles the rollicking start of the space race between the United States and Soviet Union.The first artificial satellite to be put into space was Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union in October...More »
  • America's Economic Crisis

    In a 4-hour special on America's economic problems, Rollye James spoke separately with four financial experts. First up was author and radio host Andre Eggelletion who discussed problems with the Federal Reserve and its historical background. The Fed has lost some of its ability...More »
  • Aliens & 'Pump and Dump' Economics

    Ian welcomed investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts for a wide-ranging conversation that included a discussion of aliens, the black budget, 'pump and dump' economics and the devaluation of the U.S. dollar.More »
  • Body Mapping

    Third and fourth generation science writers, Sandra Blakeslee and her son Matthew, discussed their new book The Body Has a Mind of Its Own, which explores the breakthrough technology of body mapping.More »
  • Tapeworm Economy & Black Budgets

    Ian was joined by investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts for a discussion on various financial- and economy-related topics.More »
  • Replay: Catherine Austin Fitts

    In this rebroadcast from 4/4/05, George interviews Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari investment group about gov't black budgets.More »
  • Black Budgets & Money Trails

    Making her debut on Coast, Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari investment group, used her business and financial expertise to outline how some govt. agencies have siphoned trillions of dollars into black budgets. A staggering $4 trillion has been taken from the federal...More »

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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