Mark Antonacci

Mark Antonacci


Mark Antonacci is an attorney who spent nearly 20 years researching and writing the most substantive and comprehensive book ever on the Shroud of Turin. This book provides the first scientific explanation of how the body and blood images in the Shroud were formed. Mr. Antonacci has gathered evidence from every relevant source, scientist, or expert in the world, many of whom he has known quite well for a number of years. He is the founder and President of the Resurrection of the Shroud Foundation, a non-profit corporation that has funded and facilitated a number of new and valuable scientific projects in connection with the Shroud. He has appeared or been featured on numerous national and local media. He received a bachelor of arts degree with a major in political science and a minor in history from Western Illinois University. He also taught evidence and criminal procedure after graduating with honors from John Marshall Law School in 1977.



Past Shows:

  • Chupacabras Tales

    Writer and editor of the Inexplicata journal, Scott Corrales, shared cases and theories of the legendary chupacabras.More »
  • The Shroud of Turin

    "The most unprecedented and unique event in all of history may have caused the most unique images in all of history," said Mark Antonacci, Thursday night's guest. Antonacci was referring to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Shroud of Turin, a 14 ft. burial cloth, which he...More »

Last Night

Zero Point Energy & MH370 / Mars Anomalies
Zero Point Energy & MH370 / Mars Anomalies
Citizen journalist Ashton Forbes discussed the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 and its connection to zero-point energy. Followed by researcher George Haas on his findings about Martian structures and their parallels to ancient Earth civilizations.


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