Ori Brafman

Ori Brafman


When Ori Brafman is not writing, he lectures internationally in front of Fortune 500, government, and military audiences. He is also continuing his lifelong commitment to helping nonprofit causes by serving on the boards of A Home Within and The Plexus Institute. Ori also enjoys facilitating interpersonal dynamics groups for business leaders. He holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business.



Past Shows:

  • Irrational Thinking

    Lecturer Ori Brafman and his brother, psychologist Dr. Rom Brafman discussed their new book Sway, which looks at why people make irrational choices. "The way that we defined it," Rom said about irrational thinking, "is that it's about doing something that you know was the wrong...More »

Last Night

Natural Remedies / UFO Disclosure
Natural Remedies / UFO Disclosure
Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the benefits of natural remedies and supplements that aid in the body’s recovery from chronic conditions. Followed by activist and ufologist Steve Bassett on the state of UFO disclosure.


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