Clifford Carnicom

Clifford Carnicom


Clifford Carnicom, who has been actively involved in bringing attention to the chemtrail phenomenon, has been a self-employed professional computer consultant forthe past three years, and now resides in Santa Fe, NM with his wife Carol.He was previously a research scientist and federal employee for 15 years withthree different agencies, including the United States Department of Defense, theBureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service. His technical backgroundis extensive in the fields of geodetic science, advanced mathematics, computerscience and the physical sciences.


Past Shows:

  • Chemtrails & Morgellons / Open Lines

    Filling in for George Noory, Rob Simone (email) welcomed researcher Clifford Carnicom in the first half of the program for a discussion on the profound impact of chemtrails, and the baffling condition known as Morgellons disease. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Chemtrails Roundtable

    Researcher Clifford Carnicom, journalist William Thomas and Above Top Secret's Mark Allin joined George Knapp to try and get to the bottom of chemtrails-- chemicals or biological agents said to be deliberately sprayed from planes at high altitudes. Thomas discussed how planning...More »
  • Chemtrails Update

    Research scientist Clifford Carnicom discussed his latest findings in the chemtrail phenomenon. Differentiating chemtrails from contrails, he noted that contrails from jets occur in cold dry air, and unlike chemtrails don't stay visible for long in the sky.More »
  • The Chemtrail Controversy

    Former research scientist Clifford Carnicom joined Barbara on Saturday night for a discussion about chemtrails and their effects on the public and the environment.More »

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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