Sean Carroll

Sean Carroll


Sean Carroll is a Senior Research Associate in Physics at the California Institute of Technology. His research involves theoretical physics and astrophysics, focusing on issues in cosmology, field theory, and gravitation. His current research involves models of dark matter and dark energy, cosmological modifications of Einstein's general relativity, the physics of inflationary cosmology, and the origin of time asymmetry. He has received research grants from NASA, the Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation, as well as fellowships from the Sloan and Packard foundations.



Past Shows:

  • Physics & the Universe/ Secret Documents

    Sean Carroll discussed the latest on the Higgs boson and extra dimensions. Followed byJohn Greenewald, Jr. on secret government documents.More »
  • Cosmology & the Big Questions

    Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll has recently worked on the foundations of quantum mechanics, the arrow of time, and the emergence of complexity. He shared the latest on physics research, and also probed some of our deepest personal questions. First hour guest, Emmy...More »
  • Physics Breakthroughs

    Theoretical physicist at Cal Tech, Sean Carroll, discussed why he believes the discovery of the Higgs boson is perhaps the greatest breakthrough in our understanding of the universe since the splitting of the atom, and how it is launching particle physics on a new era of...More »
  • Cosmology & Time Travel

    Research scientist Sean Carroll spoke about dark matter and dark energy, the physics of cosmology, and the origin of time asymmetry including time travel. Last hour guest, crop circle investigator Bert Janssen shared his theories about the enigmatic formations seen in...More »
  • Our Universe

    Art spoke with physicist Sean Carroll about the origin and nature of the universe we live in.More »
  • Cosmology & Time

    Senior Research Associate in Physics at Caltech, Sean Carroll discussed such topics as time & time travel, dark matter and dark energy.More »

Last Night

Survival Tips / Earthquake Forecasting
Survival Tips / Earthquake Forecasting
Security specialist Jason Hanson discussed tactics he used as a CIA officer for counterintelligence and surveillance. Followed by researcher Luke Holmquist on earthquake forecasting.


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