David Hatcher Childress

David Hatcher Childress


At the age of 19 David Hatcher Childress left the United States on a six-year research and adventure odyssey. Childress would study firsthand the ancient civilizations of Africa, the Middle East and China; along with journeying into dangerous territory occasionally, like Uganda during the overthrow of Idi Amin. Further expeditions to South America, Africa and remote Pacific Islands, along with his books and media attention certified Childress as the Real Life Indiana Jones. From Childress further 20 years of global search for lost cities, ancient mysteries and clues of humankind's origins, The LOST CITIES SERIES of 8 titles has come about.



Past Shows:

  • ET Encounter

    Ufologists Ruben Uriarte and Noe Torres discussed one of the world's most intriguing and least known UFO cases. The incident took place in 1964, when eyewitness Donald Shrum had a terrifying 12-hour encounter in the Tahoe National Forest with menacing robot-like and humanoid...More »
  • Mysterious Locations & Creatures

    Author, researcher, and archaeologist David Hatcher Childress spoke about a variety of mysterious and sometimes ancient places and creatures. There is evidence of ancient visitors to the New World, who may have come here by boat as far back as 1,000 to 2,000 BC, he said. ...More »
  • Egypt & The Grand Canyon

    Author and archeologist David Hatcher Childress discussed his research into artifacts found in the Grand Canyon that suggest Egyptians may have visited North America thousands of years ago. He also talked about his investigation of the Olmecs and amazing technologies possessed...More »
  • Bermuda Triangle

    Maverick archeologist and adventurer, David Hatcher Childress discussed the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. He cited a number of cases where planes and boats simply vanished without a trace in the area roughly between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.More »
  • Archaelogy & Explorations

    At the age of 19, David Hatcher Childress left the United States on asix-year research and adventure odyssey. Childress would study firsthandthe ancient civilizations of Africa, the Middle East and China; along withjourneying into dangerous territory occasionally, like Uganda...More »
  • David Hatcher Childress

    At the age of 19 David Hatcher Childress left the United States on asix-year research and adventure odyssey. Childress would study firsthandthe ancient civilizations of Africa, the Middle East and China; along withjourneying into dangerous territory occasionally, like Uganda...More »

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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