Christian Westbrook

Christian Westbrook


Christian Westbrook is an agricultural researcher and founder of the Ice Age Farmer broadcast, which looks deeply at the future of our food supply, from the agenda to centralize control of food and defile our diets with insects and lab-grown meat, to how these challenges must inform our response: a rapid move to an emergent, decentralized, regenerative food system. Christian is a permaculturist, homesteader, and father with a background in Artificial Intelligence and a deep love of humanity.


Past Shows:

  • Demographics & Aging

    Demographic Bradley Schurman discussed an upcoming generational shift and how it will change everything about our society. In the first hour, Christian Westbrook warned against powers taking control of our food production, and explained why we should grow our own food.More »
  • Self-Reliance & Food Production / Paranormal Pop Culture

    Expert in backyard food production, Marjory Wildcraft and agricultural researcher Christian Westbrook talked about cultivating your own food supply. Followed by journalist Aaron Sagers on the popularity of the paranormal in lockdown.More »