Candice DeLong

Candice DeLong


For twenty years, Candice DeLong was on the front lines of some of the FBI'smost memorable and gripping cases. Some have called her a real-life ClariceStarling and a female Donnie Brasco. She has tailed terrorists, goneundercover as a gangster's moll, and was one of the agents chosen to carryout the manhunt for the Unabomber in Montana. For the first time, shereveals the dangers and rewards of her career as a field profiler in theFBI.


Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/2/02 when retired FBI agent Candice DeLong (book link) talked about problems within the FBI and how corrupt and incompetent agents often get promoted instead of fired.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 8/28/01 for a conversation with former FBI agent Candice DeLong (book link) about her career and famous cases, including the Tylenol murders and the Unabomber.More »
  • Invisibility Technology

    Ray Alden is attempting to patent a "three dimensional cloaking process and apparatus" for concealing objects and people. The idea hinges on carefully mimicking background lighting conditions to help render an object invisible, similar to how a chameleon blends in with its...More »
  • Candice DeLong

    For twenty years, Candice DeLong was on the front lines of some of the FBI'smost memorable and gripping cases. Some have called her a real-life ClariceStarling and a female Donnie Brasco. She has tailed terrorists, goneundercover as a gangster's moll, and was one of the agents...More »

Last Night

Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
Author Ken Druck spoke candidly about his journey of resilience and healing. Followed by UFO investigator Ruben Uriarte on UFO sightings and crashes, and alien bodies.


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