Joel Garbon

Joel Garbon


Joel Garbon is an industrial science consultant and educator, and the inventor of several commercially successful technologies that have contributed valuable advances to the chemical, pulp and paper, water treatment, and infrastructure industries. He served for 11 years as president of the nonprofit New Energy Movement, providing education to the public and policymakers on the topic of breakthrough energy technologies, while also providing advocacy for the maverick inventor community. Joel is co-author of the award-winning book Breakthrough Power, which chronicles the challenges, opportunities, and progress in the new energy technology field. He has assisted numerous inventors who have uncovered the little-known secrets of advanced energy-generating devices.

Starting in his youth, a succession of unusual experiences and encounters has led Joel on a journey through science and religion to understand and harmonize the big questions concerning the origins, history, and destiny of humanity and the universe. With a degree in Applied Science and a natural curiosity about metaphysics, Garbon brings a deeply probing “show me the data” approach to research and investigation, while being open-minded to dogma-busting discoveries. He currently serves as Science Advisor for the nonprofit The Center for Unity, which seeks to help heal “the God-sized hole in the heart” of the youth and young adults of our planet, through a combination of mentoring and technology, and drawing on the wisdom teachings contained in the Urantia Book and the Bible.



Past Shows:

  • UAPs & USOs / The Urantia Teachings

    Historian Richard Dolan shared UAP revelations and his research into USOs (unidentified submerged objects). Followed by author Joel Garbon on the teachings from the Urantia Book and the life of Jesus.More »
  • Free Energy/ Mind Potential

    In the first half, consultant Joel Garbon discussed his 25 years of travels through a fascinating international scene some call the free energy underground. In the latter half, psychiatrist Dr. Norman Rosenthal, who first described seasonal affective disorder and pioneered the...More »
  • Vatican & ETs/ Free Energy

    In the first half, researcher of ancient mythology and paranormal phenomena, Tom Horn, updated the story of how the Vatican could be preparing for ET disclosure, and discussed his visit to the Vatican Astronomical Technology Telescope. In the second half, consultant Joel...More »

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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