Chuck Harder

Chuck Harder


Chuck Harder has been doing talk radio since 1979. He also designs, licenses, and builds radio stations from the ground up, and has designed and built 3 satellite uplinks as well. He is currently building a new TV network of classic TV and talk TV on weekends.



Past Shows:

  • NDEs & Afterlife / Area 51 & Economy

    In the first half of the show, author David Bennett talked about transformative experiences, NDEs, and the afterlife. In the latter half, former syndicated talk show host Chuck Harder discussed how he was one of the first to break the Area 51 story in 1987, how he predicted the...More »

Last Night

Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Clinical psychologist and certified hypnotherapist Dr. Fredrick Woodard discussed his book, Developing Your Supernatural Awareness. The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines.


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