Jeff Harrell

Jeff Harrell


Author Jeff Harrell is an award-winning investigative journalist who worked 10 years in New York City covering police, federal courts and organized crime for the daily Staten Island Advance. His research of the plane crash that killed legendary Notre Dame football coach Knute Rockne on March 31, 1931 unveiled a connection to Al Capone and the Chicago mob.



Past Shows:

  • MonstserVerse Movies

    Director Adam Wingard talked about his highly anticipated film, Godzilla vs. Kong. In the first hour, investigative journalist Jeff Harrell revealed evidence that shows legendary Notre Dame coach Knute Rockne was murdered.More »
  • Knute Rockne Conspiracy / Open Lines

    Journalist Jeff Harrell revealed how the death of legendary Notre Dame football coach Knute Rockne was part of a mob hit. Open Lines followed.More »