Carl Lehrburger

Carl Lehrburger


Carl Lehrburger is the founder, Director and Chief Operations Officer of PureVision Technology, Inc. He graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1974. He has been a leader in the field of environmental technologies beginning in 1973 as Director of University of Colorado student Environmental Center. From 1974-81 he was a principal of Solar Technology Corporation, a firm specializing in energy conservation and passive-solar products. Beginning in 1981, Carl was employed in the waste management and recycling industries including working as manager of recycling programs at Energy Answers Corporation in Albany, NY from 1988-91. He also completed environmental assessments and studies contrasting disposable versus reusable products for private clients. His first book, Secrets of Ancient America is published by Bear & Co.



Past Shows:

  • Pre-Columbian Americans/ Regaining Your Life With Prayer

    Carl Lehrburger discussed the ancient history of America and industrial hemp.Jim Paris shared his story of how prayer has helped him to completely rebuild his life.More »
  • Health & Disease / Secret American Archaeology

    In the first half, pharmacist and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs addressed such topics as prescription deaths, contradictory health recommendations, the problem with the western medical model, and what's behind chronic diseases. For more than 25 years Carl Lehrburger has...More »

Last Night

Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
Researcher Steve Quayle delved into the intersection of ancient symbols, AI, and biblical prophecy. Followed by spiritual teacher Sabrina Scott on her use of witchcraft and Tarot cards.


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