Dr. Sam Parnia

Dr. Sam Parnia


Dr. Sam Parnia is one the world's leading experts on near death experiences. He spends his time between UK hospitals and Cornell University, New York, where he is Fellow in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. He founded the Consciousness Research Group, and is chairman of the Horizon Research Foundation. He is constantly in demand as a speaker and has made numerous media appearances. His ground-breaking research was featured in the BBC 2 and Discovery documentary, "The Day I Died."



Past Shows:

  • Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

    Engineer and rogue Egyptologist Robert Bauval discussed his extensive research on the mysteries of the Giza Pyramids, and ancient Egypt. First hour guest, expert on the scientific study of death, and near-death experiences, Dr. Sam Parnia, talked about the feasibility of...More »
  • Weather Control/ NDEs

    In the first half, lecturer on new technologies, health and earth science related issues, Dr. Nick Begich, talked about HAARP and the various functions the program performs, including possible weather manipulation. In the latter half, expert on the scientific study of...More »
  • Studying Near-Death Experiences

    Dr. Sam Parnia of the Weill Cornell Medical Center discussed the results of his studies of near-death experiences (NDEs), based on patients who went into cardiac arrest. About 10-20% of these patients reported having an NDE.More »
  • Near Death Experiences

    British near-death expert, Dr. Sam Parnia, discussed his work as a critical-care physician and the NDE research that led him to write What Happens When We Die. As part of his study, Parnia examined the accounts of cardiac arrest patients who were brought back from clinical...More »

Last Night

Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Scientist and species explorer Quentin Wheeler shared insights into the state of biodiversity and a possible mass extinction. Followed by teacher Maureen St. Germain on how we can live in the 5th Dimension.


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