Jesse Quackenbush

Jesse Quackenbush


Jesse Quackenbush is a filmmaker and attorney from Amarillo, TX. His film, The Last Word, chronicles the story of Johnny Frank Garrett, a 17 year old psychically challenged boy who was arrested, convicted and ultimately executed for the Halloween night rape, mutilation and murder of Sister Tadea Benz, even though new evidence has emerged from the cold case grave of the Amarillo Police Department proving they executed the wrong man. He holds degrees in radio & TV, political science/journalism, as well as a doctorate in law. He has also served film Internships with directors Quentin Tarantino, Kimberly Pierce, and Peter Berg.


Past Shows:

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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