Scott Taylor

Scott Taylor


Dr. Scott Taylor has dedicated over 30 years to exploring the field of near-death experiences. His first-hand encounter with a shared NDE occurred in 1981 and he has been committed to researching others' experiences and raising awareness ever since. A known researcher and speaker in the field of NDE studies, Scott wrote his doctoral dissertation on Near-Death Experiences: Discovering and living in unity. Dr. Taylor is a skilled trainer and Monroe Institute’s former president and executive director. He is an expert at using binaural beat technology (Hemi-Sync) to enter into and hold expanded states of awareness.

Scott is the author and voice of six best-selling albums from Hemi-Sync, the "Into the Light" series. He also is the creator and facilitator of the 5 ½ day "NDE Intensive" which uses the pathways laid down by NDErs to explore states of consciousness. He has twice served on the board of the International Association for Near-Death Studies and co-moderated their annual conference at least a dozen times. He earned his MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and his doctorate in Education from University of St. Thomas. He also holds a degree in spiritual counseling from the New Seminary.


Past Shows:

  • Shared-Death Experiences / Eerie Ghost Photos

    Dr. Scott Taylor of the Expanded Awareness Institute delved into the phenomena of shared-death and near-death experiences. Followed by photographer Tim Scullion who talked about his ghost photography and provided analysis of eerie images he provided to »
  • The Energy of Names / NDE Wisdom

    Maryanna Korwitts discussed the energy and significance behind our names. Followed by Dr. Scott Taylor with lessons he's gleaned from near-death and shared death experiences.More »

Last Night

Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Teacher Dr. Lynn Lafferty discussed naturopathic medicine, healthcare, and supplements. Followed by astrologer Constance Stellas with insights about astrology, including its use as a guidance tool.


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