Kristi Smith

Kristi Smith


In 1988, Kristi Smith took an interest in Search and Rescue (SAR) and has volunteered countless hours every year since. During Kristi's years of involvement with SAR she has responded to numerous searches that resulted in many finds. Kristi began her SAR Career with the Kentucky Search Dog Association and continued her association with that organization for many years even after moving to Arizona. Kristi was instrumental in the formation of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office MARK-9 unit and Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. and has served in numerous capacities with both organizations.In addition to her role as a K-9 Handler, Kristi helps promote the education of SAR volunteers throughout the state.


Past Shows:

  • Psychic Detectives

    Kelly Snyder of Find Me discussed how his group of 32 psychics & experts assists law enforcement and families in locating missing people.More »

Last Night

Natural Remedies / UFO Disclosure
Natural Remedies / UFO Disclosure
Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the benefits of natural remedies and supplements that aid in the body’s recovery from chronic conditions. Followed by activist and ufologist Steve Bassett on the state of UFO disclosure.


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