Laurence C. Smith

Laurence C. Smith


Laurence C. Smith, a UCLA geography professor, explores megatrends through computer model projections to describe "with reasonable scientific credibility, what our world might look like in forty years' time, should things continue as they are now."



Past Shows:

  • The World in 2050

    Ian Punnett welcomed UCLA geography professor Laurence Smith, who discussed how trends in population, global trade, resources, and the climate will profoundly shape the world by 2050. He explained that the premise behind his work was a "broad, sweeping thought experiment of...More »

Last Night

Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman discussed the impact of UFO disclosure and how people would react to the proof of alien existence. Followed by astrologer Mercedes Arnús Arraut on the connections between astrology, personal growth, and spirituality.


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