Terje G. Simonsen

Terje G. Simonsen


Terje G. Simonsen is a Norwegian author and Historian of Ideas, specializing in the esoteric and occult. He taught introductory courses on central Western philosophical and literary works at the Institute of History of Ideas, University of Oslo. Since childhood he has been fascinated by the paranormal, phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and healing. As a scholar he has used this interest as a starting point to explore the traditions where these phenomena are not seen as chimera, but as a part of our expanded consciousness.

The result of this exploration can be found in his book A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal, which is endorsed by several of the world's foremost scholars on the paranormal.



Past Shows:

  • History of Earth / PSI Phenomena

    Science author Henry Gee condensed the last 4.6 billion years of Earth's history, focusing on the survival and evolution of life. Followed by Norwegian writer Terje Simonsen on evidence for PSI phenomena.More »

Last Night

Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Consultant Harry Dent discussed the economic landscape and why he believes we're headed for a crash. Followed by remote viewer and trainer Lyn Buchanan on remote viewing operations.


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