Dr. John L. Turner

Dr. John L. Turner


John L. Turner, MD, served as the first neurosurgeon on the Big Island of Hawaii. He arrived with the desire to investigate the spiritual world and understand the meaning of life, death, and life-after-death. His metaphysical experiences began the first night he was on call and continue up to the present. Dr. Turner balances his time between stargazing from an observatory dome at his rain forest home and serving as a consulting physician for the Hilo Pain Center in Hilo, Hawaii.


Past Shows:

  • Life-After-Death Experiences

    Dr. Raymond Moody was joined by neurosurgeon John L. Turner for a discussion on life-after-death, near-death, and shared death experiences. First hour guest, Bill Spillane spoke on behalf of the FairTax plan, which eliminates personal and corporate taxes and replaces them...More »
  • Metaphysical Techniques

    Appearing during the middle two hours, neurosurgeon John L. Turner M.D. spoke about his spiritual journey and study of metaphysical techniques. First hour guest, psychologist Vonda Pelto talked about her work with serial killers. In the last hour, filmmaker and UFO...More »