Tyler Nordgren

Tyler Nordgren


Dr. Tyler Nordgren is a professional astronomer and artist. He holds a Ph.D. in Astronomy from Cornell University where he did work on dark matter as well as a B.A. in Physics from Reed College. For over a decade he has worked with the National Park Service to turn the national parks into the single largest source for public science and astronomy education in the world. His popular science book “Stars Above, Earth Below: A guide to astronomy in the national parks,” reveals what visitors to America’s national parks can observe in their dark night skies. The color illustrations in this book include both his night sky photography as well as vintage-style “travel posters” he designed to help the public learn about and see the astronomical wonders in the sky.

For the 2017 “Great American Eclipse” he wrote the book, “SUN MOON EARTH: The History of Solar Eclipses from Omens of Doom to Einstein and Exoplanets,” describing the vast array of social and scientific influences eclipses have had throughout history. Dr Nordgren also produced a series of 30 eclipse travel posters for communities, state, and national parks in the path of totality.



Past Shows:

  • History of Eclipses / Tapping into Intuition

    Astronomer Tyler Nordgren discussed the history of solar eclipses from ancient China to NASA. Followed by the founder of Intuition Lab, Kim Chestney, sharing a new understanding of intuition.More »

Last Night

Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Scientist and species explorer Quentin Wheeler shared insights into the state of biodiversity and a possible mass extinction. Followed by teacher Maureen St. Germain on how we can live in the 5th Dimension.


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