Bart Sibrel
Bart Sibrel


Bart Sibrel uncovered a 31-year-old, mislabeled, unedited reel of footage that he believes provides evidence that the Apollo moonwalk was a hoax. He claims Apollo 11 never made it beyond the Earth's orbit. Bart Sibrel was punched by astronaut Buzz...

Ken Johnston
Ken Johnston


Ken Johnston spent 23 years at NASA working with numerous space programs as well as the astronauts who manned those missions. He was one of the five original pilots who tested all of the Apollo equipment including the lunar module which later...

Howard Bloom
Howard Bloom


Howard Bloom has been called "next in a lineage of seminal thinkers that includes Newton, Darwin, Einstein,[and] Freud," by Britain's Channel4 TV, "the next Stephen Hawking" by Gear Magazine, and "The Buckminster Fuller and Arthur C. Clarke of the...

Lamar Waldron
Lamar Waldron


Lamar Waldron holds a Masters degree in Counseling and Psychology from Georgia State University, and had a successful career in that field before devoting himself to the JFK field in 1989, in the wake of the previous year's 25th anniversary of JFK's...

Mark Allin
Mark Allin


Mark Allin is one of the three owners of, one of the top "Alternative Topic" discussion sites on the World Wide Web. Mark has been interested in and studying conspiracy theory for over 20 years, with a focus on the UFO Phenomena...