James Redfield

James Redfield

About the show

It is no accident, argue James Redfield, that the twentieth and twenty-firstcenturies have witnessed a dramatic expansion of human experience. Whenauthor and therapist James Redfield self-published his first novel in 1993,the groundswell of enthusiasm from booksellers and readers made TheCelestine Prophecy one of the most successful self-published books of alltime. Since 1994, The Celestine Prophecy has spent more than three years onthe New York Times bestseller list and also appeared on bestseller listsaround the world. In 1996, Redfield's The Tenth Insight: Holding the Visionalso became an instant bestseller.

Last Night

AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs
AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs
Scientist Brian Roemmele discussed information overload, the loss of data, and the different roles AI can play. Followed by filmmaker Darcy Weir on the enigmatic transmedium phenomenon around the island of Puerto Rico.


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