Planet X Theories

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Planet X Theories

About the show

Theoretical physicist James McCanney appeared in the first half of Friday night's show to discuss his ideas about Planet X. While he doesn't subscribe to the notion that a rogue planet is headed this way in the next several weeks, he does believe there is evidence that extra solar objects do pass our way on occasion. McCanney theorizes that comets on elliptical orbits can gain in size as they draw in material with their electrical charge. "Hale Bopp had a nucleus the size of the moon," he said, explaining a scenario whereby comets can turn into virtual planets.

McCanney correlated his data with other sources of information such as Hopi Indian prophecy, which refers to dramatic changes associated with the passage of objects (Kachinas) in the sky. According to one interpretation he received, the "Blue Kachina" could be Hale-Bopp (1996) and this was said to be followed by the "Red Kachina" in ten years or 2006, which McCanney surmised could be Planet X.

Full Moon Open Lines

It was Full Moon Open Lines on the second half. One caller related a fascinating episode of when he belonged to a meditation group that was trying to raise their spiritual levels. After a session, the caller said he witnessed a member put his hand on the couch for support as he was about to stand up and "his hand went right through the couch like he was phasing in and out," and was vibrating at a higher plane.

"I lived ten years in a dream," said Kevin in Springfield who told of having a life-changing dream one night involving a woman he didn't know at the time. In the dream they were living together and had two children. After the night of his long dream he said he broke up with his current girlfriend and couldn't get the dream woman out of his mind.

Six months later on a trip to New Orleans he ran into the woman in his dream. "Are you Laura?" he asked her and she said yes. It turned out she had had the same dream about him. They have been happily married for several years now and have one child, with another on the way, he said.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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