UFO Reports

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFO Reports


  • Daylight Disc
  • Sphere Crosses the Moon
  • About the show

    Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center returned to C2C, for the first half of Friday's show, presenting witness testimonies of remarkable sightings. First he brought Kim Shaffer onto the program, who described a copper colored rotating disc that he videotaped in the sky over Bristol, Tenn. Davenport said Shaffer's footage has undergone preliminary video analysis by Jeffrey Sainio, Ph.D., and Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., of MUFON, who have declared the material to be "interesting," and likely not to be a hoax.

    Next up was amateur astronomer Richard Samuels who told of a recent incident when he was viewing the Moon under a high quality telescope and he suddenly saw a perfectly spherical, dark object pass over the lunar surface in the space of about 1.5 seconds. "If the moon was the size of a beach ball, this would be the size of the pea," Samuels said of the object, which he estimated it's actual size as being equivalent to about two battleships. Davenport commented that this sighting fit into a long history of moon anomalies.

    Open Lines

    The second half of Friday's show featured Open Lines, which included a special topic line for people who walked into their closet and entered into another dimension. One call in that vein, came from a man who as a child with a debilitating illness, spent a couple years at home.

    He discovered an unused room, with a closet full of old, handmade toys. Eventually, he met a small boy around his age, named "Freckles," who played with him in this room, as he recuperated. It wasn't till the callers' own father was dying many years later, that he found out his father's brother had died in the hidden room of the same illness the caller had when he was a young boy.

    Bumper Music

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