Understanding Remote Viewing

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Understanding Remote Viewing


  • Remote Viewing Accuracy
  • Interview with Edgar Evans Cayce
  • About the show

    Stephan Schwartz, one of the world's experts on the practical applications of remote viewing (RV), was the main guest on Monday night. The ability to process signals, such as used in RV, dates back to ancient times, Schwartz said. But what separates RV from other psychic methods is that the results can be "submitted to rigorous analysis," he said.

    Schwartz differentiated his work from certain other remote viewers who he described as making "flamboyant predictions that have problematic validity." He said that about 50% of the material that stems from an RV session can't be verified. But of the 50% that can, 75% of that information has been shown to be accurate. Targets can be in the past or the future, as "time and distance don't matter." The process, he explained, taps into an aspect that "exists outside of time/space."

    Towards that end, Schwartz has been conducting a long-standing remote viewing experiment about what life will be like in the year 2050. One prediction, that has been cross-correlated among his viewers, is that there will not be a population explosion, but rather "not enough people being born," though apparently not due to the results of war. Along with the other founders of RV including Ingo Swann, Schwartz will be giving a live presentation at the Remote Viewing Conference being held later this month in Virginia Beach from October 30- November 2.

    Exploring Altered Consciousness

    intrepid researcher and remote viewer, Stephan Schwartz spent a week undergoing the "Gateway Voyage," at the Monroe Institute, which he documented in his article The Path of Sound. The program, he writes, involved the passage through various states of states of altered consciousness that are achieved through listening to tapes developed by the late Bob Monroe (who had become known for his out-of-body experiences).
    Voyagers at the Institute should not expect Holiday Inn-style accommodations. But then they didn't come here to watch HBO and lounge by a swimming pool. CHEC Units (Controlled Holistic Environmental Chambers) were just big enough for a single bed and small cabinet, Schwartz reported. However, each room was set up as a receptacle for the tapes, with headphones and "and a control panel for sound and light built into the wall." The tapes, which are a core part of the Voyage, employ Monroe's "Hemi-Sync" process, a combination of beats, tones, and verbal guidance, that interact particularly with the Theta and Delta brain waves, "which are associated with creative breakthroughs and spiritual epiphanies," Schwartz was informed.

    Participants pass through various "Focus" stages, ending at Focus 21, which is said to offer a "beyond time-space" experience. Towards the end of the week, Schwartz had arrived there: "I am in a space where 'I' gave almost ceased to exist. I can hear and see nothing…Then I become aware that I am somewhere, and I can see even though my eyes are still closed." Schwartz concluded that the Gateway Voyage is not so much about having OBE's, but rather learning a non-religious meditative technique based on sound. "If I had never meditated, this experience would have taken me to states of consciousness normally not reached until you had meditated regularly for about six years — at least in my case," he concluded.

    Alaskan Mystery Update

    First hour guest, author Nick Begich gave an update on the strange mystery of trees being snapped off like toothpicks in a football field-sized area in his home state of Alaska. Begich speculated that one explanation for the mystery was that it was a result of a "micro-burst" storm that may have been brought on by an experiment with Project HAARP, which is known to be able to manipulate jet streams. He also commented that "energy weapons" such as Tesla ascribed could be involved, and/or tested out in low population density areas in Alaska.

    Edgar Evans Cayce

    In a special segment, George played a taped interview he recently conducted with Edgar Evans Cayce, the 84-year old son of the great psychic Edgar Cayce. He said his father was an "ordinary natural person," who believed the future was not fixed. Evans Cayce, who is on the board of A.R.E., commented that the recent discovery of megaliths found off Cuba, could turn out to be evidence for the claims his father had made about the civilization of Atlantis.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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