The Lost Ark & Gold Powder

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Lost Ark & Gold Powder


  • Lost Ark: The Movie
  • White Powder Gold
  • About the show

    Author and historian Laurence Gardner returned to Coast on Tuesday night, for a follow-up discussion of his book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, which has been optioned to serve as the basis for a Hollywood film by Living Element Pictures. Gardner said he was pleased with the idea of "moving his academic work into mainstream entertainment."

    The Ark could have been the ultimate "weapon of mass destruction" in its day, said Gardner who added that he believed the 1.5 ton pure gold object could store and release massive amounts of electrical voltage. Its location was last recorded in 1307 by the Knights Templar, he said.

    Gardner also spoke extensively about the white gold powder, an exotic matter which has been associated with various unusual properties, such as levitation. He suggested that it acts like a "super conductor" and is composed of "light waves." The compound has been associated with DNA repair in one study, and could be potentially applied to cure diseases he said. An Arizona farmer, David Hudson, has become involved in employing the substance in such a manner, but its usage has not been without controversy. Gardner has set up a special page on his site which lists reputable companies that sell variations of this product.

    Disaster Preparedness

    Tuesday's first hour guests, preparedness experts Stan & Holly Deyo discussed the location of safe places in the US in the event of natural or manmade disasters. While volcanic eruptions and solar flares are concerns, terrorist attacks in the US are a "real and present danger," said Stan.

    The Deyos pointed out that 3.5 million Americans live within a 10-mile radius of a nuclear reactor, which could be the target of the next attack. They also speculated that a terrorist attack could be timed to take place after the US has been hit by a natural disaster, in order to take advantage of the country's increased vulnerability.

    Bumper Music

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