Mirror Visions

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mirror Visions


  • Twilight Zone History
  • The Woman in Plaid
  • About the show

    An Open Lines special topic of strange things seen in a mirror elicited some interesting calls. One man said his face became disfigured into an alien species and the background changed to a red desert planet with two moons in the sky. Another caller described seeing a strange figure in a dressing room mirror that was not a reflection of anyone present, and the figure was staring at him.

    Callers also reported sharing identical dreams and having recurring nightmares. In one such call, a man said as a boy he had harsh nightmares always featuring the same elderly woman in a plaid skirt, and these dreams bled over into his waking states, causing "distortions." The woman appeared to want something, but would never articulate what it was.

    Twilight Zone

    First hour guest, writer Marc Zicree discussed his book The Twilight Zone Companion. The late Rod Serling, who hosted the classic horror-fantasy-science fiction show and wrote 92 of its episodes, was one of TV's first great stylists, said Zicree. A kind of "modern alienation" or a fear of the unknown that you couldn't share with others, was one of Serling's major themes, he added.

    Martian UFO?

    A Friday night caller has brought this image from the JPL website to our attention. Taken by the Spirt Rover, the Navigation #33 photo appears to show a possible object on the horizon. View an enlarged close-up sent in by Thai Ho.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    The Chemtrails Mystery
    The Chemtrails Mystery
    Investigative journalist William Thomas delved into the phenomenon known as "chemtrails." He recounted a ground-level report from 1994 that included "bacteria" and "human white blood cells" in a kind of goo that repeatedly fell over a wide area.


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