Bigfoot & Other Creatures

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Bigfoot & Other Creatures


  • Bigfoot Evidence
  • Sasquatch Stories
  • New Jersey Devil
  • About the show

    Director of the Sasquatch Odyssey, Peter von Puttkamer shared accounts of Bigfoot and other mysterious creatures. His film documented the research of the "Four Horsemen of Sasquatchery:" Peter Byrne, John Green, Dr. Grover Krantz and Rene Dahinden, who sometimes quarreled over their findings in their lifelong quest to find the elusive creature, he said.

    von Puttkamer noted that the Patterson film of Bigfoot is still considered valid by many experts, as the creature is thought to move in a way that humans can't move. And while the Ray Wallace tracks were exposed as a hoax, he said there are numerous cases where tracks have been found to have dermal ridges, flexibility, and are indented into the ground with hundreds of pounds of pressure behind them. There are also solid, credible witnesses of Bigfoot, he added, such as a state trooper whose account is in his documentary.

    Traveling around the world to produce his films, von Puttkamer told of joining "Yowie" hunters in Australia, eating giant tarantulas with Venezuelan blow-gun hunters, and tracking the chupacabra in Puerto Rico. But he said the vast New Jersey Pine Barrens was the "creepiest" and scariest place he had ever been in, when he went there to investigate reports of the New Jersey Devil. There have been numerous sightings of a winged creature with a horse-like face, and some residents of the area reportedly heard a shrieking coming out of the swamp that "shook the walls of their home," and was louder than their power saws, he said.

    Sasquatch Drawings

    Devin K. shares two of his Sasquatch drawings based on his 1998 encounter. Click here to view enlargements and further details.

    Bumper Music