Prophecy, Crop Circles & Psychedelics

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Prophecy, Crop Circles & Psychedelics


  • Crop Circles & Meanings
  • Calendars & Hopi Prophecy
  • Ayhuasca Experiences
  • About the show

    Returning to the show, author Daniel Pinchbeck offered analysis of Hopi and Mayan prophecies, crop circles and the psychedelic experience. The Mayans, he said, were aware of vast scales of time, and the ending of their calendar in 2012 suggests this may be when a massive transformation of human consciousness takes place. Similarly, he noted that the Book of Revelation describes entering "New Jerusalem" and Hopi Prophecy talks about moving from our current "4th World" and into the "5th World."

    Studying the crop circle experience in England, Pinchbeck came away believing that the whole phenomenon was related to teachings about the nature of reality. The imagery of the circles seem to show a merging of modern science and esoteric traditions, and could possibly be orchestrated by a "federation of galactic intelligence," he stated.

    Pinchbeck discussed how humanity has become desynchronized from natural time through our Gregorian calendar, and advocated for a new calendar that would likely be based on lunar cycles.He also shared tales of taking psychoactive plant substances such as ayhuasca during religious ceremonies in South America. During one episode, he said he received transmissions from "cosmic thought beings" who told him: "You go deeper into the physical to get to the infinite."

    Kicking the Habit

    First hour guest, psychotherapist Doris Wild Helmering shared strategies to transform behaviors and kick habits. Since thoughts determine behavior, she said the best way to make changes is to alter one's thoughts.

    Helmering suggested the use of affirmations such as "I'm a powerful and smart person and I choose to control my [gambling, eating, etc]." Said to oneself a couple thousand times a day, such statements can help to develop new pathways in the brain, she explained.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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