Rebroadcast: Evelyn Paglini-- 'Occult Practices'

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Rebroadcast: Evelyn Paglini-- 'Occult Practices'

About the show

Live for the first hour, George Noory first received an update from researcher David Sereda about the space traveler, Greg Olsen, who supposedly "lost" his infrared camera on his trip. Sereda noted that this type of camera might have been able to view UFOs and that Olsen was perhaps pressured to not present such material to the public.

Richard C. Hoagland then joined George for the rest of the hour. Among the topics he touched on was weather modification, sharing his studies of the storm Ophelia which showed that interference triggered "massive amounts of rainfall in geometric patterns."

This was followed by a rebroadcast featuring Art Bell's 9/21/03 interview on occult practices with Evelyn Paglini.