Strange & Ghoulish Tales

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Strange & Ghoulish Tales


  • Exorcism & Demons
  • The Cumberland Vampire
  • White City Mummy
  • About the show

    Prolific author and Anglican Priest, Lionel Fanthorpe returned to share strange and ghoulish tales. At one point he even sang his own composition about a sasquatch! Among the stories he presented:

    • In White City, New Mexico at an old museum he encountered a bizarre miniature mummy. Noting that the location wasn't far from Roswell, he wondered if the creature could have been an alien.
    • At a haunted bookshop in San Antonio, Texas a section of books were often found on the floor or in disarray in the morning when they opened the store. It's possible the store may have been the site where the great Alamo heroes were cremated by Santa Anna's men, Fanthorpe learned.
    • The Croglin Grange Vampire case from Cumberland, England dates back to around 1870 (though events may have taken place earlier), in which a scarecrow-like creature was traced back to a tomb, where a mummified corpse was found with fresh blood on its lips.

    Fanthorpe said that he occasionally conducts exorcisms such as on a car with the license plate of ARK666 which was suspected to be haunted by Aleister Crowley. He also performed an exorcism of a haunted cinema in Bristol, and as the spirits allegedly left, the smell changed from that of decay to fresh mountain pine.

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