Nostradamus & Future Events

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Nostradamus & Future Events


  • Malaysian 'Bigfoot'
  • Nuclear War & Prophecy
  • Prophecies of Flooding
  • About the show

    Prophecy expert John Hogue returned to discuss such topics as the Middle East, global warming, asteroids and the bird flu, with a particular focus on what Nostradamus may have predicted about these things. The horrible war which is being prepared in the West, began one of Nostradamus' quatrains, which Hogue said may refer to a nuclear war being incited in the Middle East. Because Nostradamus gives astrological dating in the quatrain, Hogue said future times for this event could be in Feb. 2009, April/May 2011 and in the 2020's.We are living in the midst of the 27-year long war that Nostradamus wrote about, which is also the time that the third Antichrist will appear, Hogue stated.

    Nostradamus and a number of other prophets including Jesus, Quetzacotl, and Mohammad, all predicted massive oceanic flooding which Hogue related to global warming. He explained that he keeps a computer database containing 2,000 to 3,000 prophecies from around 700 prophets over the last 5,000 years.

    A possible bird flu pandemic may be referred to in the Nostradamus quatrain that writes of strange birds appearing in the sky. He also may have referred to a coming asteroid when he wrote of a "great mountain" that is a mile-wide in circumference. Hogue postulated that this might hit in the Aegean Sea, but it may not occur till 3755, as part of what Nostradamus called "the final conflagration of the Earth."

    Bigfoot Update

    First hour guest, cryptozoologist Loren Coleman presented an update on Bigfoot reports in Malaysia. The creature as described by witnesses, does not resemble the North American Bigfoot, he said, as it is much taller and also thinner. Referring to it as an "Orang Dalam," Coleman said the creature is between 10-12 ft. tall, has brown fur and leaves 4-toed tracks.

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