Spirit Guides & Teleportation

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Spirit Guides & Teleportation


  • Julien: ETs & Comet
  • Lower Astral Entities
  • Self-Teleportation
  • About the show

    Expert on hypnosis and past life regression, Dr. Bruce Goldberg shared details about spirit guides, the astral plane and teleportation. Spirit guides were once alive, as opposed to guardian angels who've never been mortal, he explained. The guides, he noted, serve to enlighten us spiritually, and help us attain goals such as meeting a soul mate.

    At the moment of death, most people are panic stricken, and thus end up for at least a brief period in the lower astral plane, a noisy 24-7 realm of distractions and titillations, he outlined. But by entering into the ever-present white light they can advance into the higher astral plane which is "more of a positive learning experience," he said. Some people however can become mesmerized by the attractions of the lower plane and remain there for hundreds of years, he commented.

    Teleportation is different from an out-of-body-experience, said Goldberg, in that a person actually physically travels to another location, with their body disappearing from the first place. This is accomplished by the body entering a "tear" in the space-time continuum; a popping sound is heard and vibrations are speeded up, he explained. To teleport, he recommended breathing techniques, focusing on where you want to go, and practicing in the dream state. Goldberg claimed he was able to successfully teleport on a rare occasion, where he found himself physically transported from a living room couch in Baltimore to a beach in Jamaica. He said he returned with a tan!

    Comet Warning

    First half-hour guest, former air traffic controller Eric Julien spoke about his belief that comet 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann will impact Earth on May 25th, 2006. He has concluded this from his study of NASA simulations as well as information given to him by ET contacts. Julien revealed that he communicates with what he calls "the blue beings."

    They confirmed to him that his vision of something hitting the Atlantic Ocean causing a huge wave to crash into a city will occur on May 25.

    1. http://www.drbrucegoldberg.com/

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
    Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
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