Alien Analysis

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alien Analysis


  • Telepathic Communications
  • Abductions & Contacts
  • The Hyperversals
  • About the show

    The investigative writer known as George L. ( presented his conclusions on aliens based on his telepathic communications and published UFO/abductee material. He reported that his initial contact with aliens began in 1995 with a group known as the Elders, who reproduce by cloning. Later he began communications with the "hyperversal" aliens, a more advanced race who told him that they came from a previous universe cycle from over 13 billion years ago, and that they helped to engineer the current universe into being.

    While there are different alien groups visiting Earth, L. said that their main theme is "universal ecology." Their thought processes are along social lines-- a kind of group think, which can sometimes lead to abuse in a "Big Brother" fashion, he noted.

    The aliens are physical in nature, he continued, but the universal standard is for non-sexual reproduction, which allows for precise population control and a reduction of territoriality. He estimated the average lifespan for several different species: Greys: 350-400 years, Verdants: (as described by Philip Krapf) 20,000 years, Hyperversals: 11 million years.

    North Korea Update

    First half-hour guest, consultant Charles R. Smith commented on North Korea's missile testing and possible use of nuclear weapons. He doesn't anticipate the situation escalating any further and believes that for all practical purposes China is the key to managing the conflict, as they control North Korea's fuel lines.

    Bumper Music