Synchronicities & Weird Creatures

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Synchronicities & Weird Creatures


  • Coleman: Horned Beast Details
  • Synchronicity Calls
  • Meteor Sighting
  • Bigfoot Encounter
  • Whistling 'Colonel Bogey March'
  • About the show

    During Open Lines George offered a 'synchronicity' hotline for callers who've experienced what seemed to be amazing coincidences. A caller from Granada Hills, CA recalled the time he was in New York and met a man from Holland in a park. The caller said he told the man about a girl he had met on the Santa Monica pier a year earlier. During the course of their conversation, the caller explained, he discovered the girl on the pier was the Dutch man's girlfriend.

    A caller in Illinois claimed to have witnessed the Mothman on June 27th while driving outside of Stewartville, MN. She said the creature had a huge wing about the width of a Ford. Ray from Chicago remembered the time when he was five years old and he saw a shadow person in a hat standing in his bedroom. Carol in Kissimmee, FL described her encounter with a Bigfoot. She claims the 7-ft tall animal had a tree branch in his hand and stood only 10 feet away from her car.

    UFO Phil phoned in to the show from his newly rebuilt compound, where he said he was practicing self-defense (in case the aliens come) in his rooftop dojo. Keith in Volcano, CA called to tell George that he had just seen a large, brightly burning meteor fly over. In response to George's request, he and a caller whistled a duet of the theme song to The Bridge on the River Kwai ("Colonel Bogey March").

    Mothman & Other Cryptids

    In the first hour, cryptozoologist Loren Coleman discussed the BBC's decision to pull The Mothman Prophecies in the wake of the I-35W Bridge collapse (related article).

    He also commented on the horned bipedal beast allegedly photographed in Brazil, as well as the so-called creature of Sugar Flat Road, which Loren identified as a man-made taxidermy "gaff".

    Bumper Music