Texas UFO Reports

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Texas UFO Reports

About the show

Broadcasting live from the KVI studios in Seattle, George talked with investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe, who provided an update on the recent high strangeness occurring in the skies above Texas.

Linda spoke with Constable Lee Roy Gaitan about his investigation of the Dublin UFO sightings. According to Gaitan, several witnesses, including him and his wife, saw multi-colored spinning aerial objects flying around the Dublin area on February 9 and 10, 2008.

Linda presented her interview with Steve Allen, Owner of L & S Enterprises and Texas Freight. Allen claims to have witnessed several bright white lights flying a few thousand feet above ground level toward Stephenville on January 8, 2008. He said the lights formed a rectangular pattern and reconfigured themselves as he watched. Allen estimated that the lights were moving 2,000 and 3,000 mph, and they were being pursued by two F-16s, he noted. Linda also shared her report on strange light anomalies picked up by a deer feeder camera near the Stephenville region.

Linda talked with Angelia Joiner, former full-time reporter at the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, who resigned from (and then was asked to leave) the newspaper after filing a series of reports on the UFO activity in Stephenville. Joiner commented on the David Caron video, which she said shows brilliantly colored symbols flying near the Stephenville airport. Linda also had opportunity to chat with abductee Jim Sparks, who commented about the strange colored symbols seen in the Caron video.

The final hour was a replay of 'Regrets' Open Lines from 10/12/07.

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