Space & Earth Reports

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Space & Earth Reports

About the show

Starting in her new full-show, last Thursday of the month guest slot, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented news about Planet X, the Peruvian meteorite, and other space and earth topics. She interviewed geological sciences Prof. Peter Schultz, who told her that the 2007 meteorite in Peru was very unusual due to its high rate of speed (it's estimated it came in at 15,000 mph), and the fact that witnesses observed the collision. The subsequent villagers' illnesses could have been due to breathing the dust after the crash rather than arsenic poisoning or anything from space, he added.

She spoke with planetary scientist Mark Sykes about Kobe University's finding that there is likely a large 'Planet X' in the outer reaches of our solar system that takes 1,000 years to orbit the sun. New types of telescopes may make detection of such bodies more feasible, he noted.

Linda also touched on the drone case-- what we're seeing could be just "the tip of the iceberg" of something about to unfold, she said. Methane on exoplanets, unusual findings on Saturn's moons, and the recent melting of an ice shelf in Antarctica were discussed as well. She also reported on a March, 20, 2008 case which took place in South Carolina. A witness told her he found a mutilated deer, and then saw an odd white sphere being followed by helicopters.

Lunar Memorials

Appearing briefly at the start of the show, Charles Chafer of Celestis announced plans for lunar memorials. Payloads containing human cremated remains could be launched to the surface of the Moon as soon as 2009, he said.

RFK Assassination

First hour guest, author and lecturer Robert Joling discussed evidence concerning the Robert Kennedy assassination. Over the years contradictory bits of information have emerged, casting doubt that Sirhan Sirhan was the lone shooter of RFK, he detailed.

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