Evidence for G.O.D.

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Evidence for G.O.D.

About the show

University of Arizona professor of psychology and neurology Dr. Gary Schwartz shared how he used science to conclude that nothing happens by chance and that some kind of organizing process must exist. Referring to this process as G.O.D. (Guiding-Organizing-Designing), he contended that an intelligent principle or consciousness is permeated throughout the universe, and "the all is in the small."

In developing his position, he tested the claims of Christopher Robinson, the "Dream Detective," known for his precognitive experiences in the dream state. In an experiment they conducted, Robinson's dreams accurately predicted a series of locations in Arizona that Schwartz picked out, months after the dreams. This led Schwartz to believe an ordering process was taking place, and that our minds are a reflection of a great intelligence.

He also discussed evidence he derived from Native American sandpaintings, which offer such complexity that we don't see the inherent patterns, as well as the number for Pi, which calculated out to millions of digits appears random, though it's always exactly the same order. Our mind is literally bigger than the universe because we can conceive it that way, he noted.

Jim Marrs Update

First hour guest, author and researcher Jim Marrs offered analysis on ufology and current events. Of the economic situation, the same players are repeating history, he commented. Media coverage of UFOs has turned from denial and ridicule to more serious reportage, he noted. Marrs will be a presenter at the upcoming UFO Conference in Las Vegas (George Noory will also be there doing a meet and greet).

Bumper Music

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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